Upgrade from block storage
A STAINLESS STEEL WHOLESALER and retailer has taken delivery of cantilever racks.
With the new cantilever racks, the Czech company AK 1324, can access stored stainless steel sheets much faster. Previously, the sheet packs were stored on top of each other on the warehouse floor, which made handling difficult and took a lot of time. Today, two runs of cantilever racking from OHRA with eight storage levels allow direct access to individual packs. This enables much more efficient logistics, reduces damage to the stored sheets and allows a quick overview of the current stocks. The OHRA racks offer a high load capacity – each cantilever arm can carry up to 800 kilograms – and great flexibility, as the cantilever arms are clipped in, hence they can easily be adjusted in height.
AK 1324 stocks a large variety of different sheets, tubes and profiles. The cantilever racks make it possible to store the different sheet metal variants clearly separated from each other. The sheets, which can be up to 3 metres long, are stored on pallets, and the packages can weigh up to 2.5 tonnes. Damage has been reduced – this was common with the cumbersome handling associated with block storage.
OHRA installed two single-sided 36 and 50 metres runs of racking. The cantilever racks offer eight storage levels with an upright height of 4,310 millimetres. All load-bearing elements of the OHRA racking are made of solid-walled steel profiles. Each cantilever arm carries 800 kilograms in the AK 1324 warehouse, and each upright can be loaded with up to 5.6 tonnes. The racks offer seven storage levels at a height of 6,580 mm.
OHRA supplied and assembled the racks, as well as advising AK 1324 from the beginning.
For more information, visit www.ohra.co.uk