Verification service for industrial materials suppliers

Posted on Thursday 7 July 2022

NEW FROM CHAS, the trusted expert in supply chain compliance, is Verified Supplier, a compliance verification service which enables industrial material suppliers to showcase their commitment to operating credibly, safely and ethically.

As supply chains come under increasing scrutiny, material suppliers must confirm they are compliant with a growing list of legislation and guidelines covering health and safety, quality assurance, environmental protection and ethical practices, among others.

Becoming a CHAS Verified Supplier is a convenient way to demonstrate compliance across a range of risk management areas via a single verification, reducing duplication of prequalification questionnaires (PQQs) and making it faster and easier to pre-qualify for contracts across the UK. 

As well as demonstrating a supplier’s commitment to quality practices and processes, achieving CHAS Verified Supplier helps suppliers highlight compliance with the following laws and regulations:

  • Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
  • Modern Slavery Act 2015
  • Environment Act 2021
  • Equality Act 2010

Verified Suppliers also get access to discounted training courses, free legal advice and savings with TradePoint, Speedy Hire, Checkatrade and more. 

Streamline supply chain risk management

Specifying CHAS Verified Supplier gives clients confidence that their suppliers operate to a consistently high standard. This helps protect clients from the disruption and reputational harm that can arise from non-compliant supply chains. Clients can find verified materials suppliers quickly and easily alongside verified subcontractors via the free CHAS Client Portal, helping to streamline their supply chain risk management processes.

CHAS managing director Ian McKinnon says: “We are delighted to launch the CHAS Verified Supplier service and make it easier for responsible materials suppliers to highlight their credentials to potential customers.

“The launch of CHAS Verified Supplier underlines CHAS’s commitment to simplifying prequalification in the construction industry while raising risk management standards and ensuring that responsible businesses thrive.”

For more information, visit

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