Wholesaler deploys double deck loading – boosting speed and safety
Transdek, the leading manufacturer of specialist loading equipment for double deck trailers, recently fitted a modular loadhouse and goods transit lobby at A.F. Blakemore’s Tipton distribution centre.
The installation provides additional storage space at the site as well as increasing the speed and safety of loading A.F. Blakemore’s fleet of double deck trailers.
A.F. Blakemore & Son, the largest UK wholesaler to the convenience retail chain SPAR, with a turnover in excess of £1 billion, contracted Transdek to design and install a modular warehouse extension and loading pod for its 84,000 sq ft Tipton DC. The contract followed Transdek’s previous work in supplying double deck lifts to two other A.F. Blakemore distribution hubs.
The entire installation, including transit lobby, 18-cage double deck lift pod and vehicle impact barriers, was completed in four days. It provides A.F. Blakemore with the means to load and unload double deck trailers in as little as 45 minutes, as well as giving over 800 sq ft of extra storage space at the DC.
Transdek designed a bespoke V2G (vehicle-to-ground) double deck lift for the flat-floor site, with a stretched lift platform suited to carrying 18 of SPAR’s 810mm by 720mm roll cages. The lift pod was angled at 90 degrees to the transit lobby to accommodate vehicle access constraints posed by the tight yard.
Stewart Constable, general manager at A.F. Blakemore, says, “Transdek’s loading solution has enabled us to shave around 90 minutes off the turnaround of our double deck trailers, which has boosted our site efficiency and means we can service more vehicles each day.
“Not only that, their V2G pod is fitted with a large number of safety features that give our loaders the best possible level of protection while they work.”
Based on Transdek’s award-winning modular V2G lift design, the lift was prebuilt in to a reinforced steel superstructure prior to delivery. The completed plug-and-play V2G ‘loadhouse’ was then craned into position and secured directly on to the yard slab.