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CE Marking gained for eight Permaban armoured joints

04 July 2019

This is the legal marking for sale in the European Economic Area; and show they meet the necessary performance and quality standards.

The joints include the industry-standard AlphaJoint Classic 4010; and the latest innovation, Permaban Wave, the impact-free plate joint with no straight edges. RCR Flooring also offers a choice of CE marked dowels.

Permaban products now supplied with the CE mark include: Permaban Wave, Permaban Signature, SignatureSlide, Permaban Eclipse, AlphaJoint Classic, 4010, AlphaJoint CSS, BetaJoint, BetaExpansion, Diamond Dowels, and TD dowels.

The company says: “The Construction Products Regulation (Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011) came into effect in July 2013, requiring that construction products for sale in the EU must be CE marked where an appropriate Harmonised European Standard or European Technical Approval exists.

“For some years, no such standard existed for armoured joints. Hence in 2016 – in a bid to raise industry standards and give assurance to customers – we initiated the process of exploring with regulatory bodies how armoured joints could be CE marked.

“Such processes are necessarily lengthy and not always straightforward; but we are delighted that the effort we invested in this process has resulted in CE marking for our joints, and furthermore will serve to raise standards across the industry.”


RCR Flooring Products has appointed Lee Brockway to managing director.

As RCR Flooring Products’ sales director for nine years, Lee is well known in the UK industrial flooring industry and has a wealth of experience in international markets. Prior to joining RCR Lee worked for Somero Enterprises, manufacturer of the Laser Screed concrete floor levelling equipment used by flooring contractors worldwide. He has been a board member the Association of Concrete Industrial Flooring Contractors (ACIFC), the industry’s professional association, since 2012, and served as Chair from 2016-18.

Lee’s appointment comes as former MD Andrew Keen steps down in order to focus on his role as chief services officer for RCR Industrial Flooring.