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Regular checks needed

03 March 2021

ALL RESPONSIBLE work equipment owners and users know their vehicles need regular inspections, but most don’t know exactly how often they need to be checked.

It’s a mistake that could potentially cause equipment failure and workplace accidents — something that every business wants to avoid.

Just as cars need a regular MOT to legally stay on the road, lifting equipment requires a regular safety inspection in the form of a Thorough Examination. But what does ‘regular’ mean in practical terms? 

CFTS, the body behind the national standard of Thorough Examinations, has discovered that most lift truck owners and users assume that their inspection is due once a year, but this isn’t always the case.

The truth is that different vehicles, and the usage of those vehicles, leads to varied inspection intervals. For example, the truck type, attachments, operating environment and how often the vehicle is used all need to be taken into account. This means that while some vehicles do need to be inspected only once a year, others may need a Thorough Examination more frequently. 

A regular and timely Thorough Examination is a legal requirement of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and under the law owners are required to have all aspects of their vehicle inspected, including lifting and driving mechanisms. Unfortunately, not all companies offering Thorough Examination services carry out the full requirements, leaving lift truck owners potentially vulnerable to equipment failure, as well as not fulfilling their legal obligations.

CFTS chairman Geoff Martin explains: “We are aware that the legal requirements can be confusing. If in doubt, speak to your nearest CFTS member. They will provide a qualified, accredited Thorough Examination engineer, known in the industry as a Competent Person, who can carry out a full inspection in line with LOLER and PUWER regulations. 

“The engineer can also help determine an inspection schedule based on the truck and its use, giving you complete peace of mind that your truck is being checked regularly enough and has been deemed safe to use.”

For more information, visit www.thoroughexamination.org