Home>Automation>Conveying components>Tapered elements for curved roller conveyors

Tapered elements for curved roller conveyors

25 January 2019

Interroll offers a wide variety of tapered rollers for installing roller conveyor curves. All are based on tapered elements, which are pressed on a cylindrical steel pipe.

Installing a roller conveyor curve is all about the details, which can have a great impact on the smooth flow of materials. The disadvantages of conventional tapered elements become particularly noticeable when higher conveyor speeds are needed or roller conveyor curves that have not been designed and optimally installed are used to convey materials other than those intended.

As is the case with cylindrical rollers, the material being conveyed is moved outward from speeds of around 0.8 metres per second, because the centrifugal force becomes greater than the frictional force. The material being conveyed then exerts a counter force on the tapered elements in the direction of the inner radius of the curve. If this happens over a long period of time, it increases the risk that the tapered elements on the steel pipe will move. Gaps can appear between the elements and/or contact may be made with drive elements, such as the PolyVee belt, causing damage.

If the tapered elements were locked from the outside, interfering edges or points of interference would appear. Points of interference have a tendency to collect parcel string, adhesive tape and other debris on the conveying technology, and they can even damage the packaging and make smooth transport impossible.

The varying diameters of the tapered rollers have two effects: varying roller speeds, which result in the conveyed material being transported through the centre of the curve, and friction, which creates a static charge. If it is not possible to correctly earth all of the components; this could lead to quick electrostatic discharge. This charge can be unpleasant for the user and can also represent a risk to delicate conveyed material or the electronics inside the conveying technology. Interroll therefore recommends that roller conveyor curves always be earthed.

Consequently and as part of its continuous product optimisation, Interroll has developed an innovative solution: The tapered elements are secured from the inside, which prevents the possibility of them moving. The advantage of this solution is that it is not visible for the user.

In addition to fixing the tapered elements, their material has also been improved. The grey and black tapered elements are suitable for freezing and can therefore also be used in applications with temperatures as low as -28 degrees Celsius. The black elements also possess anti-static properties.

Interroll's extensive testing has shown that the new solution not only ensures problem-free conveying, but that it is also reliable. It is now available for the European market. The solution will be launched in Asia and the US later.

This innovative solution is available for all RollerDrive series and the 1700 KXO and 3500 KXO roller series. This means that all tapered elements that are based on a 50 mm diameter are available at 1.8° in grey and black, as well as at 2.2° in grey.