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Articulated option for ikea

12 December 2012

IKEA has ordered three Flexi EURO articulated trucks from Narrow Aisle for use in the goods-in warehouse at its Milton Keynes UK store. Trailers deliver to the store's extensive storage area every day and the Flexi EU

IKEA has ordered three Flexi EURO articulated trucks from Narrow Aisle for use in the goods-in warehouse at its Milton Keynes UK store.

Trailers deliver to the store's extensive storage area every day and the Flexi EUROs will be used to unload incoming vehicles and deliver palletised loads directly to the racking within the Milton Keynes store's extensive warehouse.

A compact four wheel truck, the Flexi EURO has the ability to lift 1,800kg loads.With lift heights of over 8 metres in very narrow aisles, it is suitable for facilities where space is at a premium.

John Maguire, Narrow Aisle's sales and marketing director, says: "Articulated truck users know they allow pallets to be picked and put away notably faster than with a reach truck. The fact that an articulated truck does not have to waste time reaching in and out of the pallet and the racking to retrieve a load makes for a far more efficient work cycle.

"This allied to the fact that they can work both inside and outside was a big influence on Ikea's decision to use Flexi EUROs."