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Light curtain detects forklifts

12 December 2012

SICK UK has added a new fork lift truck detection capability to its leading M4000 light curtain range to permit pallet loading and unloading into light guarded areas, such as infeed and outfeed conveyor systems, while p

SICK UK has added a new fork lift truck detection capability to its leading M4000 light curtain range to permit pallet loading and unloading into light guarded areas, such as infeed and outfeed conveyor systems, while protecting the safety of personnel.

The M4000 FLT multiple light beam entry and exit protection system is supplied with an easy to connect FLT ground loop detection system that can be configured to recognise forklifts and pallet trucks permitted to enter a protected area.

"By the very nature of their size, pallet conveyors offer ample opportunity for either intentional or unsuspecting access to hazardous machinery by people," explains Seb Strutt, Senior Product Manager for Sick UK.

"Sick worked closely with customers to develop a solution that restricts human access but allows FLTs to pick up and drop off loads across a lightguarded perimeter without triggering machine shut-down."