Home >SEMA standards seminar set for June 5

SEMA standards seminar set for June 5

07 May 2013

SEMA, the Storage Equipment Manufacturers’ Association is to hold its Annual Standards and Regulations Seminar on Wednesday 5th June at the National Metalforming Centre, West Bromwich.

Speakers include Nick Welch, Senior Regional Executive of the RTITB who will outline how safety and training standards for fork lift trucks impact on storage equipment operations.

The half day event will also feature a presentation from David Fenn, Chief Executive of the British Assessment Bureau on environmental standards and how to meet tender requirements.

Four members of SEMA’s Technical Committee will provide the most up to date sources of information on recent developments.

Colin Hinton leads on the design and use of rack protectors and gives a preview on the up and coming SEMA Code of Practice; Alan Schofield looks at BS 5454: Archive Shelving & Related Standards Development; Mike Savage presents an overview on recent development on SEMA Codes and Standards and Alan Worrell outlines SEMA’s work with ERF/FEM European interfaces.

The event starts at 9.45am, and concludes with a buffet lunch. It costs £75 + VAT. Cost to SEMA User Club members is discounted to £55 + VAT.

Event chairman and SEMA President Jaap Vos said: ‘SEMA continues to define storage industry standards and is a key influencer in Europe. SEMA’s Standards Seminar is a most relevant opportunity for those decision makers involved in specifying and utilising storage systems looking to embrace both compliance and effectiveness."