Home>Handbooks>HSD Guide 2015>STORAGE SOLUTIONS


21 November 2014

Based in Milton Keynes, KASTO Ltd is best known for the supply of sawing machines and storage systems manufactured by its parent company in Germany.

One of its strengths is the design and project management of automated production centres, comprising CNC circular and band sawing machines, or indeed other machine tools such as lathes and sheet metal profilers, linked with computer-controlled storage and retrieval towers having very high storage capacity in a remarkably compact footprint. Often, KASTO supplies just the storage solution, as the production machinery already exists at the customer’s premises.

Many manufacturers and stockholders use such systems to reduce labour costs, maximise machining uptime, and ensure short lead times through efficient store management and retrieval of stock. Raw material and workin- progress may be stored in the form of sheet, bar, tube, or profile. Material may be held on pallets as well as in stillages and boxes.
KASTOlift is a new, compact storage system designed for workshops, trade and small to medium-sized industrial enterprises. The universal storage system can be configured to a maximum height of 4 metres. KASTOlift stores bars, plates, tools and boxes, as well as workin- progress and finished goods.

UNIBLOC Stacking Cradle Systems are ideally suited to bar stock, sheet metal and other bulky material. It is the sensible solution where automatic bar storage systems are not economical. Often, small storage volumes and small to medium turnover dictate a transport device where easy access, small footprint and uncomplicated operation are most important.

UNITOWER Storage System applications include buffer storage in steel and other service centres, as well as storing small quantities of raw material and parts in job shops and all types of manufacturing operation. The compact cassette storage system optimises material flow. and uses power more effectively because, unlike paternoster systems, only the required cassette is moved and not the entire storage volume. The design also saves space and rental and may even be installed externally.
UNIPORTAL is of gantrytype, cassette design, allowing fast access to stored material. Due to its modular design, the system can be easily extended at a later date. Only additional shelf blocks are needed plus extended crane rails. It is ideal for individual material flow in small to medium-sized businesses; or as a fast and economical buffer system near a manufacturing area, for example to supply lathes or an automatic saw.

UNITOP automatic bar storage systems use an operating crane travelling on top of the shelf block. The enclosed, compact design ensures fast access to cassettes. Computer controlled, the UNITOP allows a perfect overview of the inventory at any time and is able to deliver the requested bar stock every 120 seconds - depending on system height - to the unloading station. Individually tailored input/output stations ensure easy adaptation to a company’s material flow requirements.

UNIGRIP is perfect for heights from 4 to 15m with loads of up to 3t, as it offers everything that an efficient storage system needs - and with low investment costs. The compact dimensions of the gantry crane allow good space utilisation and short cycle times.

UNIFLEX Longitudinal Storage Systems are designed as a single- or double-sided facility starting with around 200 singledeep storage locations for pallets of all sheet sizes. These systems can be built either as a rack-supported silo-construction up to 25 metres high with roof and wall cladding, or as a standalone storage unit in an existing building.

UNILINE is a new single- or double-sided storage system from KASTO with from 200 to 800 locations for single-deep storage of sheet. It is the ideal way to streamline stock control and material flow through sheet metal machining facilities and distribution outlets, 24/7. Pallets have a usable load of 3t, although 5t or more is possible on request. All systems can accommodate small, medium and large (3m x 1.5 m) sheet.

01908 571590 [email protected] www.kasto.com