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Skills for Logistics re-emerges as skills hub

21 October 2016

Nearly two years ago our Sector Skills Council closed its doors. Government funding had dried up, and Skills for Logistics, like other sister SSCs closed.

When SSCs were first created there were 25, now only a handful remain. SfL drew some criticism, but it had some real successes too, I remember in particular the project they ran supporting 1000 military personnel into civilian employment. For my part I was always sympathetic to its aims and objectives. I believe that raised levels of skills can improve our sector, delivering real increases in productivity which benefit employers, but they are also a way to augment individual employability, thus supporting personal progression.

Consequently, last week I launched a new website, www.skillsforlogistics.co.uk, which is the place where I intend to offer advice and support to employers and individuals in the sector who are thinking about skills development.

I receive no government funding (although I’d love to bring some into the sector if anyone has any ideas) and I will run the new SfL as a not for profit research and consultation hub. What I hope to do is to provide free advice and support so that the sector becomes better skilled and more productive. While we are very new, and some of our ideas are still reaching maturity, please visit the site and see what we have to offer; we have already conducted some research on the skills shortage, the implications of Brexit, and are producing some tools to help firms understand where they fit in comparison the rest of the sector, as well as up-to-date job vacancies in the sector from right across the UK.

If you want to get involved, please do get in touch. The sector can do more to help itself, I hope this is one place where we can signpost best practice and showcase the value of skills.

David Coombes, Founder and Managing Director of Logistics Job Shop