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Eliminate stock-outs

31 October 2017

BITO has launched flow racks fitted with StockSaver from WERMA helping customers reduce line-side stock holding.

StockSaver is a wireless based system that is designed to resolve many of the traditional problems associated with Kanban systems. With no need for Kanban cards or for scanning a withdrawal from a stock location many of the human error associated weak spots are resolved. There can be no incorrect or double entry bookings of stock or incorrectly calculated stock levels.

Sensors fitted to the flow racks detect the movement of the containers and are linked to an intelligent Smart Box on the flow rack to ensure transparency of stock levels. Automatic replenishment orders when pre-set minimum stock levels are tripped ensure that stock-outs do not occur and that stock levels are optimised. The system aims to reduce substantially the amount of stock held on the flow racks by reducing the level of safety stock held traditionally. Manual errors when calling for new stock orders or incorrect replenishment of the stock location are also excluded.

The number of FIFO flow racks can be reduced substantially and that floor space used for other value adding operations. The reduced amount of stock being held will improve cash flow.

The sensors used in StockSAVER can be used on virtually any FIFO flow-rack and container system. The system is easy to install and can be extended further at any time to more stock locations.

Peter Leiter, head of product management at BITO says: “StockSaver is simply a great system and we are thrilled that we can retro fit this solution to our product and offer our customers some real added value.”