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Take a Network HealthCheck

03 July 2018

Renovotec is launching a ‘Network HealthCheck’ service that measures whether a warehouse network is fit for purpose in today’s IIoT-driven, security-threatened supply chain environment.

Industry feedback reveals that despite the rapidly escalating data demands of voice systems, push-to-talk radios, security cameras, personal handheld computers and other warehouse devices running over the internet many companies are still managing their operations using an outmoded, inflexible and low-security warehouse network that prevents them from benefiting from their investment in new technology - and also leaves them more vulnerable to cyber-attack, says Renovotec.

“The rapid growth of IIoT and the significantly higher security threat posed by its many new points of entry are leaving older warehouse networks behind” says Renovotec managing director Richard Gilliard. “Lower speed of response to customer demand, poor inventory accuracy and an inadequate view of business processes are just some of the negatives resulting from an outdated network infrastructure.” 

Research conducted by consultancy PwC reveals that transportation and logistics CEOs ‘feel a sense of urgency about updating their legacy IT systems, which have suffered from a lack of investment in recent years and are more vulnerable to cyber threats than newer systems’.

Research firm Gartner has forecast that businesses will use 4.16 billion connected ‘things’ in 2018, rising to 7.55 billion in 2020.