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Voice drives picking process
28 May 2021
DRIED FRUIT and nut specialist Whitworths estimates a one year payback and a 35% increase in picking productivity with an implementation from Renovotec.

Whitworths supply chain director Claire Aldred, says: “The company is transforming its operations for 21st century warehousing and smart manufacturing.”
Renovotec is to drive Whitworths’ planned warehouse modernisation with new voice picking and wireless networking technology. The agreed project ROI is less than one year for the new systems and infrastructure investment, led by a 35% increase in voice-driven picking productivity. Based in Northants, Whitworths is the UK sector leader in dried fruits, nuts and seeds and a 130-year-old, 350-employee, family-run business with its factories, warehousing and head office located on a single 22-acre site.
Whitworths’ new voice-driven picking environment will replace its paper-based predecessor, giving the company the speed and flexibility it needs to respond to changes in consumer buying habits and retail needs - notably an escalation in picking-intensive e-commerce. Whitworths has 173,880 pick assignments per annum; its goal is to reach 99.8% picking accuracy.
“Renovotec are a good partnership choice because they have the ability to work at pace and are professional,” Claire Aldred observes. “Going forward we also plan to work with them as a strategic partner for smart manufacturing.”
The Renovotec Voice Manager system being deployed by Whitworths is wearable, hands-free and eyes-free and driven by unique middleware that generates a guided workflow, telling the user which area of the warehouse to go to and what product to select. In addition to picking the system will also be used by Whitworths to drive other warehouse processes including put-away, stocktaking and replenishment. Renovotec Voice Manager’s analytics provide in-depth performance and productivity data that allow management to optimise warehouse workflows.
For more information, visit www.renovotec.com
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