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Food supplier switches to voice picking

18 May 2015

Henry Colbeck has chosen Renovotec Voice Manager to fully automate its 12,000 units-per-day picking operation.

This was previously an all-paper picking process across the company’s warehouse operations, which total 70,000 sq ft and are serviced by 27 Colbeck wagons as well as 3PL carriers. The company provides a twice-weekly delivery service to over 95% of its 2,500 customers.

The company was founded in 1893 and the oldest independent supplier to the UK fish and chip market.

"Our business is growing, and although we were already achieving 99.92 percent accuracy using our old paper system, our aim is to further improve our picking accuracy while increasing our efficiency," explains Henry Colbeck financial director Paul Holliday. "We looked at barcoding and voice and preferred hands-free technology for our operation, as it saves time by guiding our people round the warehouse, paper-free. Renovotec used their logistics knowledge to collaboratively appraise our warehouse processes before implementing the new technology."

Key Points

• Henry Colbeck is an early adopter of what is said to be the market’s first affordable voice system for small and medium warehouse operators.

• The company chose hands-free voice technology to fully automate its picking process across its warehouse operations.

• Cites faster, still highly accurate customer service as the reason for its investment.

Renovotec is an exponent of automatic data capture (AIDC) on rugged and mobile hardware using voice, scanning and RFID technology. Its lower-cost-of-entry, out-of-the-box Voice Manager system for small and medium warehouse operations uses packaged software to voice-enable picking, put-away, stock checking, movement, loading and order checking work processes. The system runs on Honeywell’s Vocollect voice technology using a task-driven engine, for which Renovotec claims a first-to-market.

"Market research reveals that operational efficiency and accuracy are what customers want most from warehouse operations,” says Renovotec director Lance Bennett. "Voice technology directly and measurably impacts both – and our solution now makes it available to a wider range of warehouse operators."