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Renovotec offers promotion on wearable technology
01 February 2017
The rugged hardware provider is to discount warehouse wearable devices at a level of ‘six products for the price of five’ at IntraLogisteX.

A range of discounts will also apply to voice and vehicle-mounted computing solutions on show (Stand 111, Ricoh Arena Coventry, 15-16 March 2017).
Lower-cost wearable technology featured by Renovotec will include Honeywell Dolphin 70e and 75e mobile computers, designed for easy-adoption hands-free computing; the 8670 wireless ring scanner, which combines high scanning performance with Bluetooth technology; and the wearable 8650 Bluetooth ring scanner.
Also discounted at the show, Renovotec’s Voice Middleware Solution is powered by Vocollect technology. It provides robust, ‘out of the box’ functionality for all warehouse voice-enabled tasks in a single, customisable software application and can be quickly and seamlessly integrated into any WMS or ERP host system, says Renovotec.
Renovotec-discounted mobile computing on show at IntraLogistex includes the “popular and proven” rugged Thor VM3 vehicle-mounted computer, designed for distribution centres, manufacturing facilities and freight operations. Thor supply chain cost benefits include a mobile, interchangeable smart dock, field-replaceable front panel and ignition control with power management preferences.
“For this specialist, rugged-user event we have picked the best of wearable warehousing technology, and made it available at the best price,” says Renovotec MD Richard Gilliard.