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Andon light systems improve productivity

11 June 2015

Disruptions to productivity can be reduced significantly by deploying andon light systems on packing and despatching lines.

Andon light systems indicate the status of a workstation and are used in some of the UK’s largest online retail operations. In a simple traffic light configuration the green light may indicate the workstation is operative, an amber light that supervision is required to attend to a developing concern – for example a shortage of packing material  – a red light can be deployed to indicate a serious disruption to the work flow.

WERMA’s andon light systems can be enhanced with a simple low cost wireless monitoring package called WIN. A wireless transmitter unit is fitted to the andon light set and transmits the status light change when it occurs to a receiver unit attached to a client pc or directly into the IT network infrastructure. Multiple users in key positions can then view the status of the workstations and react to disruptions to productivity.

Remote key users can be notified by screen alerts and WIN can generate Emails to be sent automatically to nominated addresses thus ensuring that the right people are notified promptly to issues the moment they occur.