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Don't neglect fork extensions

12 January 2016

With fork extensions often stored safely out of the way, the body behind the Thorough Examination of lift trucks, CFTS, is urging users not to overlook these vital bits at inspection time – placing lives and businesses at risk.

Under LOLER 98, fork extensions are classified as ‘Workshop Lifting Equipment or Non- Permanent Forklift Attachments’ and, as such, must be inspected at least once every six months. Failure to comply could lead to prosecution by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

CFTS Technical Manager Shaun Prendergast says: “Fork extensions need to be checked – at least twice a year – by a competent person. They should be equipped with the appropriate knowledge and experience, able to detect defects and understanding of how important they are to the safe and continued use of the equipment.”

As well as visual checks, extensions must be marked up durably and legibly, with the following information:

  • Manufacturer’s mark
  • Serial number
  • Year of manufacture
  • Rated and load centre distance for the fork extension
  • Required blade cross-section and minimum blade length for the parent fork arm.

Prendergast continues: “It is your legal duty to ensure that your lift truck and all attachments – even those rarely in use – are inspected appropriately. Failure to do so puts your workers and, in turn, your business, at risk.”