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StockSaver adds place by light

28 May 2019

Werma unveiled a new feature to its StockSaver system at LogiMAT.

The system is an intelligent retrofit stock movement and automatic replenishment system for Kanban operations using flow racking. 

The new optional feature ensures the elimination of incorrect replenishment of the stock location as the correct location requiring filling is clearly illuminated. A small beacon indicating the location to be re-filled is illuminated green (place) and is clearly visible to the team member looking for the right shelf to replenish. 

The team member scans the part to be replaced, the system then checks that this product has indeed been replaced in the correct shelf with a visible audible confirmation. If the item has been incorrectly replaced then the beacon will illuminate red (placement error) and the item has to be removed, scanned again and placed in the clearly indicated correct location.

StockSaver works using optical sensors retro-fitted to the rails of flow racking to detect the movement of bins in or out of the shelf. This stock movement is then wirelessly transmitted to the software program installed on the network which then provides real time data and information on stock movements and enables the automatic triggering of replenishment orders for that item which has moved.

The system resolves many of the issues associated with traditional Kanban systems such as lost or damaged Kanban cards, card collection missing a milk round collection, delays in issuing replenishment orders and incorrect replacement of parts in line-side flow racks.